Wednesday, February 12, 2014

CSCO & NVDA Report

Schloss 7
CSCO & NVDA Announce

First, it was an outstanding day.  Despite the markets being choppy, I was up over 50 basis points and my MFI portfolio was up an extremely snappy 1.6%.  Really helped by RPXC, which was up 8.5% on their earnings and is in 3 MFI tranches. Also, SYNA was up strongly (6.5%).

I was a little down on RPXC when I read their earnings yesterday, but I did read their earnings and management seemed a lot my upbeat than their guidance.

Today CSCO and NVDA announced their earnings.  NVDA was actually very good.  I expect, barring a market meltdown, I will be on a nice glide path with them as I approach my May 6th tranche end date.  They will likely be up 3 to 5% tomorrow.  CSCO seemed ok.  They did raise the dividend by 2 cents from 17 to 19 cents per quarter.  But revenues slid 8%. This was "expected" but it does shine a light on the fact that CSCO is struggling.  I have been a believer of them for long time, but it may to time to reconsider that.  I am not going to sell into weakness; but over the next quarter.  I just need to think and decide if CSCO is declining permanently or whether this is only part of a cyclical thing.

I did buy some shares of AGII today.  This is an insurance company that I think is pretty undervalued.  Not meant to be a long term holding, looking for 5% then out.

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