Thursday, May 09, 2013

Glad I Did Not Buy STX On Monday

Pretty funny that the 15 to 20 stocks I discussed over the weekend have been so much in the news.  I just noticed that STX was down 5% today.  Recall this is a stock I liked, but decided to consider it for Dividend Portfolio instead of MFI portfolio as a replacement for SAI>

Why are they down I wondered? I found this article (Chanos Makes Bearish Case Against Seagate).  Now I have mentioned several times on this board that if James Chanos shorts a stock or a sector, you should not take it lightly.  I have pulled them from my buy list for time being.

In other news, I decided to sell my CDE I bought a month ago and I took a 20% hit.  I still think this space is oversold, and will consider buying back in if it has a capitulation.

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