Saturday, December 07, 2013

Dec 7 2013 Weekend Update

Weekend Update

Not a great week for me, down a bit over 1 percent.  The sharp drops in GTAT and TC-PT were difficult to overcome.  I viewed both as an opportunity, not a problem and added to GTAT and TC during the week.  I also did some housekeeping during the week and sold TCRDIP and ABR from my dividend portfolio.

Dividend Portfolio

This continues to be the slacker of my portfolios. It was down 1.5%.  I am going to be taking several moves regarding this portfolio.  First, I am/have made it smaller with the three sales listed above.  Second, if/when we ever get some sort of pullback, I am going to make two or three of the positions MFI/Dividend stocks and they will act like an MFI tranche in that I will hold for a year and then re-evaluate.  These will likely be positions perhaps double in size of what I typically put in an MFI stock.

Stock Shares Avg Cost Current Price Dividends Received Pct Change R3K Change Diff
AOD       21,206            3.96             4.08        4,024.45 7.8% 17.1% -9.4%
BBEP         4,675          16.13           18.81        3,422.22 21.2% 8.5% 12.7%
CSCO         4,389          17.34           21.28        4,219.92 28.3% 36.2% -7.9%
CSQ         6,631            8.58           10.61        9,602.93 40.6% 46.6% -6.1%
INTC         3,754          22.25           24.82        4,490.84 16.9% 30.1% -13.2%
O             580          20.29           37.08        8,597.27 155.9% 106.2% 49.6%
OIBAX         4,070            4.98             6.07        7,739.02 60.0% 110.6% -50.6%
SBS         6,211            9.54           10.00                     -   4.8% 7.1% -2.3%
TC-PT         4,000          15.39           12.88        4,061.80 -9.7% 14.4% -24.0%
TGONF         7,000          10.27             9.82        1,317.50 -2.6% 10.2% -12.8%

Total Open            47,476 17.8% 25.8% -8.1%
Closed 12.9% 10.3% 2.6%
Combined 13.6% 12.6% 1.0%
Annualized IRR Since 12/31/10 17.0%

MFI Portfolio

While my discretionary and Dividend Portfolios struggled during the week.  MFI continued to motor along.  It was really helped by blow out AGX earnings Thursday night that powered AGX up 17% yesterday.  Also, CF gave a presentation that they are considering either taking on more debt or becoming a MLP.  That caused CF to go up by more than 10% on the week.  I read some analyst reports that said CF could go between $270 and $320 with those structures (Why CF looks to unlock value using more debt, with interest at 4%).

2/1/13 Stocks Start Current Dividend Pct Gain R3K Gain
AAPL $450.60 $560.02 $8.75 26.2% 21.8%
GA $6.10 $11.33 $0.42 92.7% 21.8%
STRZA $16.06 $28.54 $0.00 77.7% 21.8%
CA $25.07 $32.85 $1.00 35.0% 21.8%
NUS $41.94 $128.93 $1.20 210.3% 21.8%
Totals 88.4% 21.8%
5/6/2013 Start Current Dividend Pct Gain R3K Gain
KLIC $11.40 $12.21 $0.00 7.1% 13.7%
CYOU $29.24 $29.83 $0.00 2.0% 13.7%
RDA $9.74 $17.69 $0.10 82.7% 13.7%
NVDA $13.85 $15.47 $0.24 13.4% 13.7%
CF $183.97 $233.09 $1.80 27.7% 13.7%
Totals 26.6% 13.7%
8/15/2013 Start Current Dividend Pct Gain R3K Gain
CF $187.26 $233.09 $1.00 25.0% 9.5%
FLR $66.06 $77.41 $0.32 17.7% 9.5%
AGX $15.60 $25.15 $0.75 66.0% 9.5%
KLIC $11.29 $12.21 $0.00 8.1% 9.5%
RPXC $15.92 $16.23 $0.00 1.9% 9.5%
Totals 23.8% 9.5%
11/15/13 Stocks Start Current Dividend Pct Gain R3K Gain
AVG $17.22 $16.50            -   -4.2% 0.6%
ATVI $17.71 $17.20            -   -2.9% 0.6%
GA $9.04 $11.33            -   25.4% 0.6%
RPXC $17.04 $16.23            -   -4.8% 0.6%
SYNA $48.01 $49.26            -   2.6% 0.6%
Totals 3.2% 0.6%
Category/Tranche August November February May Total
Initial Investment   25,000       25,000     25,000      25,000    100,000
Current Tranche 23.8% 3.2% 88.4% 26.6% 35.1%
Previous Tranche 14.1% 43.7% 0.0% 0.0% 11.9%
MFI Overall Gain 41.2% 48.4% 88.4% 26.6% 51.1%
Current Balance   35,289       37,098     47,095      31,644    151,126
R3K Current Tranche 9.5% 36.7% 21.8% 13.7% 20.4%
R3K Overall Gain 33.7% 36.7% 21.8% 13.7% 26.5%
R3K Balance   33,429       34,170     30,456      28,426    126,481
Annualized IRR 30.0% 45.1% 111.1% 49.1% 58.8%

Date Differential
12/1/2012 -2.20%
1/1/2013 -1.78%
2/1/2013 -2.26%
3/1/2013 -2.23%
4/1/2013 -0.43%
5/1/2013 2.00%
6/1/2013 4.75%
7/1/2013 4.29%
8/1/2013 6.91%
9/1/2013 10.46%
10/1/2013 19.67%
11/1/2013 19.75%
12/1/2013 23.70%
Current 24.64%

You can see that differential over R3K increased another point in first week of December.  This is a stunning table.

Discretionary Portfolio

Stock Gain Cost Price
GTAT 65.6%           5.23           8.67
GNW 114.0%           7.10         15.20
HIMX 19.1%           8.94         10.65
CS 3.1%         28.75         29.65
HIG-WT 28.3%         21.24         27.25
KLIC 9.5%         11.15         12.21
BAC-WTA 22.2%           5.35           6.54
GA 1.5%         11.16         11.33
TC 2.7%           2.19           2.25
Grand Total 38.5%

You will note the cost of GTAT increased from $3.37 to $5.23.  That is because I increased my share count during the week (using my multiplier) from 14,000 to 21,000.  This move does make GTAT a large position for me, but given the AAPL contract and greater earnings certainty going forward, I am comfortable with an out-sized position.  And while it is "large" (9.4% of all the stocks listed in my three portfolios); when you consider all my assets it is still pretty small (under 2%).

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