Tuesday, September 24, 2013

G G rreat! (GTAT and GNW)

G Great! (GNW and GTAT)

Another Great Day for me.  I outperformed the R3K by over 60 basis points and I now am smoking the benchmark by 8.4%.  A large part of it is due to my "G" stocks: GNW and GTAT   On a dollar basis, my total gain for the year is $412,000 (using my multiplier).  About $120,000 of that gain is from GTAT and GNW, which are now my largest two positions.

They were up 3.4% and 2.3% today, so they continue to outperform.  It is always so tempting to sell your big winners early, but I have managed to resist the temptation and ridden both to much larger gains.

I did buy two new stocks for my dividend portfolio today.  One was an old favorite, ABR   They had  a secondary offering today and the stock dropped 5%+, so I decided to pull the trigger (I had a buy order in at 6.42, but am not sure it was going to ever drop that low).  Finally, I bought IP   This is a stock I have watched for quite a while.  They are a steady eddy and should benefit from improving international economy.  They trade at about 10x earnings and pay a 2.9% dividend.

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