Friday, March 14, 2014

That Did Not Work

Well, I saw this morning that Liberty has pulled the plug on offer for SIRI. Not my best investment.  I will likely sell today, we shall see.  Yesterday I was down exactly with the market. It was a dreary day, down about 1%+.


Unknown said...

Hi Marshall,

I know that you are not a market timer but have mentioned that you are not buying and might raise some cash. I was looking at getting into MET would you think that at this point it is best to see how the market may play out over the next month before initiating a position?

Marsh_Gerda said...

Junker - I think the answer is dependent on yourself. If you have excess cash post the purchase and you intend to hold met for at least a year, then I think it is fine to buy. If you are tight on cash or do not plan to hold met longer term, I would wait.