Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Isn't That Special?

One theme this late fall has been special dividends. This is generally the season for special dividends, but they have been far more numerous due to the perception/fear that dividend rates will escalate in 2012.

One interesting phenomenon, has been that stocks announcing these special dividends have generally gone up upon the announcement. On a pure book value basis, this does not make sense as if a company pays all the share holders a buck, the book value of the company is a buck lower. It really has not generated any value.

I guess that is saying that we as stockholders can find a better usage for the cash than the company. Not su that is exactly a vote of confidence in management, but I get it, as a general fear is that a company will do something stupid with excess cash.

In the past two days, I have had two companies announce special dividends, SLCA and DLB. SLCA is up about eight percent on the announcement and Dolby is up four or five percent today. It is a way of unlocking value in companies I have bought ( in part) due to their strong cash positions. Wonder if there will be any more?  The window is probably closing as it needs to be paid before year end.

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