Monday, December 10, 2012

I Sure Hope Barron's is Right!

Pretty funny, I was skimming the Barron's weekly on Sunday. They had a piece on their top ten stocks for 2013. I was very surprised to see that in my modest basket of 35 securities (of which seven are either foreign, closed end funds or mutual funds), I owned four of their ten.

Drumroll please:  AAPL, VIAb, MPC and JPM.

Their other stocks were She'll, Novartis, Barnes and Noble, western Digital, Blackrock and General Dynamics. I have to say, a few of those may warrant a little digging on my part, especially GD, WDC and NVS.

A final note to the day, I am adding SLCA to my dividend portfolio. This is a stock I bought in early October. They are a provider of silica for commercial uses (such as fracking).  I like the company a lot and they announced a special dividend today of fifty cents (a 3.4% yield). They also announced that they will likely institute a regular dividend starting next year. That was enough for me to add to the dividend portfolio.

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