Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope the Cowboys can win.

Another solid day. I did sell CLE from my sidecar for a 15% profit. ASPV went up 8% as well, it was a very good day in the side car, which is actually approaching the gains of my MFI portfolio despite just 4 or 5 stocks at a time.

I read a good article in the WSJ today. It was discussing that Generic Drug companies may benefit under the Democrats. The argument was that the Dems can lower the cost of healthcare without price controls by closing some patent loopholes. Obviously, if that is good for generic drug companies it may be bad for non-generics. That does have MFI implications if you want to think along those lines. BVF, AXCA and ASPV are all non-generic drug companies threatened by generics. BRL is an interesting generic play showing up in many lists. I just bought some BRL for my kid's college funds and bought TEVA for mynon-MFI account.

Not much to discuss regarding my MFI portfolio. It is pretty much cruise control right now. In the next 3 weeks or so, I will have to decide whether the sell a loser (like FDG) before year end for tax purposes.

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