Thursday, November 02, 2006

Earnings, Earnings, Earnings

No shortage of headlines for my stocks of late. All-in-all though another flat day.

MSTR was my first headline of the morning. I didn't like the headline (MicroStrategy Announces Updated Third Quarter 2006 Financial Results). "Updated"... hmmm. I read the article and they made a small clerical error on number of diluted shares. Then they also had a $1m event that had just occurred that they decided to disclose. I wasn't sure how the market would react, but MSTR was up $1.91. This has been a gold star stock for me, up over 26%.

ANF reported cruddy SSS, down 3% for October (Abercrombie & Fitch Oct same-store sales fell 3%). Didn't sound good to me. Stock got as low as $70.82 but rebounded to $73,41. I would not be surprised to see it drop back tomorrow.

VPHM reported earnings this morning. I thought they were pretty darned good. Made 33 cents... beating by 8 cents and strong revenues (ViroPharma Incorporated Reports Third Quarter and Nine Months 2006 Financial Results). Inexplicably, the stock opened lower, but then ended higher.

EZEN tried to provide some afternoon delight, releasing their earnings at 2:13 (Ezenia! Inc. Announces 2006 Third Quarter Financial Results). I thought they were promising. They commented about a $1m contract (a lot of money for Ezenia!) at the end of the quarter. Stock went up only a penny.

Finally FDG continued to bleed Canadian Red. Down another 5.7%. That is 18 or 19% drop the past two days from this law change. I admittedly do not understand the ramifications of the law, but it smells of a panic and over-reaction for something I understand will not take place for 5 years.

Happy Investing!

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