Tuesday, September 08, 2009


I'll be on the road the next 8 days... beautiful New England right now. Just checked to see how the ol' portfolio fared today, and it was a very good day with my MFI stocks up over 2%. The Chinese part of my portfolio (WH, UTA and CMED for instance) all were up sharply. That did help.

I wish I had had the funds to act on the Schiff book, "The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets", he said you should be about 25% gold in your portfolio and since I read it, my gold stocks that I follow (GG and AEM) are both up over 10%. Oh well.

I did buy AMED today per the mechanical approach I am trying to use. Always a little nerve-wracking buying anything in the US healthcare space as you just don't know which way the wind will blow. That being said, my summer purchases of US pharmas has been pretty strong:

ENDP 35%
PFE 13%
FRX 26%
BIOC -5%

Odd, I just saw that SCMP was up 21%... not that I own them. I have to admit, I am tempted to buy QCOR almost daily. I just checked, of the 73 open stocks in my top 30 mechanical portfolio, 14 are up over 100%. Cool. Here are all the stocks:

Original Current Dividend S&P O S&P D Stock Chg S&P Chg Diff
KHD 9/13/08 20.68 9.25 - 126.09 2.49 -55.3% -16.4% -38.9%
TTWO 9/20/08 16.57 10.87 - 124.12 2.49 -34.4% -15.1% -19.3%
SCMP 9/26/08 8.29 5.55 - 120.85 1.80 -33.1% -13.3% -19.7%
DTLK 9/26/08 4.34 3.58 - 120.85 1.80 -17.5% -13.3% -4.2%
TRA 9/26/08 28.42 32.89 0.30 120.85 1.80 16.8% -13.3% 30.1%
MSB 10/10/08 10.12 9.15 0.40 88.50 1.80 -5.6% 18.3% -24.0%
UEPS 10/10/08 14.58 20.74 - 88.50 1.80 42.2% 18.3% 23.9%
TSCM 10/17/08 3.67 2.43 0.03 93.21 1.80 -33.1% 12.4% -45.5%
EME 11/1/08 17.77 23.83 - 96.83 1.80 34.1% 8.2% 25.9%
CTCM 11/1/08 7.40 15.82 - 96.83 1.80 113.8% 8.2% 105.6%
PRGX 11/1/08 4.24 5.60 - 96.83 1.80 32.1% 8.2% 23.9%
HLF 11/7/08 20.17 31.08 0.40 93.86 1.80 56.1% 11.6% 44.5%
GHM 11/7/08 13.60 13.09 0.02 93.86 1.80 -3.6% 11.6% -15.2%
BIDZ 11/22/08 2.39 3.90 - 79.52 1.80 63.2% 31.7% 31.5%
KBR 11/22/08 10.45 23.15 0.10 79.52 1.80 122.5% 31.7% 90.8%
OPTV 11/22/08 0.94 1.30 - 79.52 1.80 38.3% 31.7% 6.6%
IBAS 11/22/08 1.21 2.23 - 79.52 1.80 84.3% 31.7% 52.6%
Vclk 11/29/08 6.17 10.49 - 90.09 1.80 70.0% 16.3% 53.8%
DIVX 12/8/08 4.37 5.12 - 87.93 1.80 17.2% 19.1% -2.0%
MAXY 12/8/08 5.80 7.07 - 87.93 1.80 21.9% 19.1% 2.8%
ESIC 12/13/08 1.13 1.71 - 88.99 1.80 51.3% 17.7% 33.6%
MSO 12/27/08 2.80 6.53 - 87.16 1.08 133.2% 19.3% 113.9%
TRMS 12/27/08 1.03 2.43 - 87.16 1.08 135.9% 19.3% 116.6%
WFR 12/27/08 13.43 15.98 - 87.16 1.08 19.0% 19.3% -0.4%
AHCI 1/3/09 1.15 2.56 - 92.96 1.08 122.6% 11.9% 110.7%
CKSW 1/3/09 1.99 6.38 - 92.96 1.08 220.6% 11.9% 208.7%
COH 2/14/09 13.97 30.42 - 82.76 1.08 117.8% 25.7% 92.1%
DELL 2/21/09 8.41 15.96 - 77.42 1.08 89.8% 34.4% 55.4%
SOLR 2/21/09 4.22 5.43 - 77.42 1.08 28.7% 34.4% -5.7%
DECK 2/28/09 41.27 65.54 - 73.93 1.08 58.8% 40.7% 18.1%
FWLT 2/28/09 15.04 31.11 - 73.93 1.08 106.8% 40.7% 66.2%
HCKT 2/28/09 2.56 2.82 - 73.93 1.08 10.2% 40.7% -30.5%
MWW 2/28/09 6.59 16.61 - 73.93 1.08 152.0% 40.7% 111.4%
PTIE 2/28/09 4.53 5.29 - 73.93 1.08 16.8% 40.7% -23.9%
TRLG 2/28/09 10.22 22.85 - 73.93 1.08 123.6% 40.7% 82.9%
qlti 3/6/09 1.41 4.31 - 68.92 1.08 205.7% 50.9% 154.7%
exbd 3/6/09 12.96 23.89 0.44 68.92 1.08 87.7% 50.9% 36.8%
FIX 3/13/09 9.73 11.05
76.09 1.08 13.6% 36.7% -23.1%
DBTK 3/13/09 6.65 8.99 - 76.09 1.08 35.2% 36.7% -1.5%
LOOP 3/13/09 5.77 8.01 - 76.09 1.08 38.8% 36.7% 2.1%
PRO 3/27/09 4.29 7.36 - 81.61 0.52 71.6% 26.8% 44.8%
ACN 4/9/09 27.71 34.50 - 85.81 0.52 24.5% 20.6% 3.9%
INFI 4/16/09 5.83 6.72 - 87.08 0.52 15.3% 18.8% -3.5%
TSRA 5/1/09 14.52 25.37 - 87.89 0.52 74.7% 17.7% 57.0%
RST 5/1/09 29.83 22.72 - 87.89 0.52 -23.8% 17.7% -41.5%
ULCM.pk 5/1/09 2.18 2.15 - 87.89 0.52 -1.4% 17.7% -19.1%
TYPE 5/1/09 3.80 8.48 - 87.89 0.52 123.2% 17.7% 105.4%
CRAY 5/1/09 3.98 7.53 - 87.89 0.52 89.2% 17.7% 71.5%
INT 5/8/09 41.90 46.97 - 92.98 0.52 12.1% 11.3% 0.8%
IPHS 5/15/09 15.03 18.95 - 88.71 0.52 26.1% 16.6% 9.5%
GNI 5/29/09 86.75 88.62 1.80 92.53 0.52 4.2% 11.8% -7.6%
UTA 5/29/09 7.90 11.14 - 92.53 0.52 41.0% 11.8% 29.2%
FRX 6/5/09 23.66 29.08 - 94.55 0.52 22.9% 9.4% 13.5%
ONTY 6/11/09 2.60 5.60 - 95.08 0.52 115.4% 8.8% 106.6%
VM 6/11/09 4.24 4.84 - 95.08 0.52 14.2% 8.8% 5.3%
BPI 6/19/09 16.74 15.87 - 92.04 - -5.2% 11.8% -17.0%
MTXX 7/2/09 5.77 5.78 - 91.84 - 0.2% 12.1% -11.9%
JTX 7/2/09 5.74 4.48 - 91.84 - -22.0% 12.1% -34.0%
GIGM 7/24/09 4.98 4.83 - 98.06 - -3.0% 5.0% -8.0%
CBI 7/31/09 13.95 16.11 - 98.81 - 15.5% 4.2% 11.3%
BR 7/31/09 17.27 21.50 - 98.81 - 24.5% 4.2% 20.3%
LO 7/31/09 73.72 73.99 - 98.81 - 0.4% 4.2% -3.8%
ITWO 8/7/09 14.36 15.79 - 101.20 - 10.0% 1.7% 8.2%
BKE 8/14/09 26.54 27.27 - 100.79 - 2.8% 2.1% 0.6%
GTLS 8/14/09 20.73 19.41 - 100.79 - -6.4% 2.1% -8.5%
PRIM 8/14/09 6.95 7.03 - 100.79 - 1.2% 2.1% -1.0%
SEPR 8/14/09 18.12 22.84 - 100.79 - 26.0% 2.1% 23.9%
PVSW 8/14/09 5.00 4.83 - 100.79 - -3.4% 2.1% -5.5%
CEU 8/21/09 5.10 5.46 - 102.96 - 7.1% 0.0% 7.1%
cytk 8/28/09 3.04 3.20 - 103.38 - 5.3% -0.4% 5.7%
jcom 8/28/09 22.14 21.84 - 103.38 - -1.4% -0.4% -0.9%
AMED 9/4/09 35.00 35.83 - 102.06 - 2.4% 0.9% 1.5%

Totals 23.0% 0.2% 22.8%
67.6% of stocks beat the S&P 500 Benchmark
Closed -18.0% -32.8% 14.8%


Open 42.1% 15.6% 26.5%

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