Sunday, April 06, 2014

Where Are They Today?

Where Are Past MFI Stocks Today?

I thought it might be fun to look at a couple of past MFI portfolios and see how they did past their sell-by date.  I will look at the portfolios of 12/29/11 and 12/31/12.  First let us look at 12/31/12.
The table below lists the 50 stocks and how they did in their one year in the big dance:

Stock  Initial Price   End Price  Percent Change
AGX              17.37           27.56 59%
APOL              20.92           27.32 31%
BAH              12.88           19.15 49%
CA              21.22           33.65 59%
CF            201.02         233.04 16%
CPLA              28.08           66.44 137%
CSCO              19.22           22.43 17%
DELL                9.97           13.86 39%
DLB              29.33           38.56 31%
DLX              31.47           52.19 66%
DMRC              20.30           19.26 -5%
EGY                8.65             6.89 -20%
ESI              17.31           33.58 94%
GME              24.34           49.26 102%
GNI              58.55           68.10 16%
GTAT                3.03             8.72 188%
HFC              43.60           49.69 14%
HLF              32.17           78.70 145%
IDCC              40.78           29.49 -28%
INTX                8.72             7.79 -11%
JCOM              29.91           50.01 67%
KLIC              11.99           13.30 11%
LPS              24.30           37.38 54%
MANT              25.14           29.93 19%
MSFT              25.93           37.41 44%
NATR              13.02           17.32 33%
NSU                4.08             3.32 -19%
NTI              22.27           24.60 10%
NUS              36.38         138.22 280%
PBI              10.03           23.30 132%
PDLI                6.54             8.44 29%
PETS              10.61           16.63 57%
POOSF                1.42                -   -100%
POZN                5.01             9.79 95%
QCOR              26.23           54.45 108%
RPXC                9.04           16.90 87%
RTN              56.15           90.70 62%
SAI              10.28           16.35 59%
SAVE              17.73           45.41 156%
STRA              56.17           34.47 -39%
STX              29.59           56.16 90%
SVLC                2.52             1.68 -33%
TNAV                7.99             6.59 -18%
TZOO              18.99           21.32 12%
UIS              17.30           33.57 94%
USMO              11.26           14.28 27%
USNA              32.93           75.58 130%
VCI              24.69           34.25 39%
VG                2.37             3.33 41%
WCRX              11.89           22.93 93%

This was one of the all-time greats, up overall about 52%.  Here are the stocks post anniversary date:

Stock  Initial Price   End Price  Percent Change
GTAT                8.72           16.90 94%
DMRC              19.26           29.11 51%
USMO              14.28           18.99 33%
STRA              34.47           44.75 30%
SAVE              45.41           58.90 30%
QCOR              54.45           67.87 25%
VG                3.33             4.13 24%
EGY                6.89             8.06 17%
APOL              27.32           31.86 17%
SVLC                1.68             1.95 16%
PBI              23.30           26.98 16%
BAH              19.15           21.98 15%
DLB              38.56           43.82 14%
IDCC              29.49           33.11 12%
CF            233.04         255.62 10%
RTN              90.70           97.61 8%
MSFT              37.41           39.87 7%
TZOO              21.32           22.55 6%
AGX              27.56           29.02 5%
NTI              24.60           25.82 5%
NSU                3.32             3.38 2%
CSCO              22.43           22.71 1%
DLX              52.19           52.12 0%
STX              56.16           56.06 0%
LPS              37.38           37.30 0%
JCOM              50.01           49.35 -1%
USNA              75.58           74.31 -2%
HFC              49.69           47.93 -4%
RPXC              16.90           16.14 -4%
PDLI                8.44             8.06 -5%
TNAV                6.59             6.20 -6%
MANT              29.93           28.01 -6%
CA              33.65           31.08 -8%
KLIC              13.30           12.24 -8%
UIS              33.57           30.43 -9%
CPLA              66.44           59.21 -11%
GME              49.26           42.84 -13%
ESI              33.58           28.24 -16%
POZN                9.79             7.69 -21%
NATR              17.32           13.57 -22%
PETS              16.63           12.93 -22%
HLF              78.70           57.15 -27%
INTX                7.79             5.49 -30%
NUS            138.22           84.46 -39%
GNI              68.10           18.18 -73%

On average up 2.4%. The 12/31/13 tracking portfolio is up 2.6%, so pretty much the same. The R3K is up 1.4%.


Here is how the 12/29/11 portfolio fared:

Stock  Initial Price   End Price  Percent Change
AFAM              15.04           20.26 35%
AMAT              10.45           11.44 9%
amed              10.66           11.31 6%
APOL              54.08           20.92 -61%
ASTX                1.76             2.91 65%
CECO                7.82             3.51 -55%
CJES              20.89           21.44 3%
CPIX                5.66             4.20 -26%
CPLA              35.70           28.23 -21%
CRAY                6.61           15.95 141%
DELL              14.53           10.14 -30%
DLB              27.33           29.33 7%
DLX              21.98           32.24 47%
EGY                6.08             8.65 42%
ESI              57.56           17.31 -70%
EXPE              29.06           61.44 111%
FRX              30.28           35.32 17%
GME              23.46           25.09 7%
GNI              95.12           67.20 -29%
GTAT                7.11             3.03 -57%
GTIV                6.73           10.05 49%
KLAC              47.31           47.76 1%
KLIC                9.34           11.99 28%
LPS              14.60           24.62 69%
LRCX              37.05           36.13 -2%
MANT              30.60           25.94 -15%
MDF                7.66           11.26 47%
MEDW              12.63           22.00 74%
MNTA              17.47           11.79 -33%
MSFT              25.30           26.71 6%
NOC              56.91           67.58 19%
NSU                5.25             4.28 -18%
NVMI                7.31             7.98 9%
PDLI                5.65             7.04 25%
PETS                9.73           11.10 14%
PWER                3.83             4.11 7%
RTN              46.93           57.56 23%
SAI              11.93           11.32 -5%
SAVE              15.38           17.73 15%
SNDK              49.43           43.50 -12%
TER              13.49           16.89 25%
TNAV                7.84             7.99 2%
TSRA              16.64           16.45 -1%
UIS              19.65           17.30 -12%
USMO              13.30           11.68 -12%
USNA              30.55           32.93 8%
VECO              20.98           29.49 41%
VG                2.50             2.37 -5%
VPHM              27.93           22.76 -19%
XLS                8.82           11.27 28%

It was not the greatest portfolio, up 10% during it's one year life.  Thene here is how they have done in 2013 and 2014 (so far):

Stock  Initial Price   End Price  Percent Change
GTAT                3.03           16.90 458%
PWER                4.11           20.11 390%
SAVE              17.73           58.90 232%
ASTX                2.91             8.50 192%
FRX              35.32           90.56 156%
MDF              11.26           27.79 147%
USNA              32.93           74.31 126%
VPHM              22.76           49.96 120%
CRAY              15.95           34.08 114%
CPLA              28.23           59.21 110%
CECO                3.51             7.24 106%
SNDK              43.50           80.95 86%
NOC              67.58         120.69 79%
AMAT              11.44           20.25 77%
UIS              17.30           30.43 76%
VG                2.37             4.13 74%
GME              25.09           42.84 71%
RTN              57.56           97.61 70%
XLS              11.27           18.78 67%
ESI              17.31           28.24 63%
USMO              11.68           18.99 63%
DLX              32.24           52.12 62%
LRCX              36.13           56.00 55%
APOL              20.92           31.86 52%
LPS              24.62           37.30 52%
DLB              29.33           43.82 49%
MSFT              26.71           39.87 49%
KLAC              47.76           69.40 45%
TSRA              16.45           23.09 40%
VECO              29.49           40.92 39%
NVMI                7.98           10.91 37%
DELL              10.14           13.86 37%
amed              11.31           14.75 30%
CJES              21.44           27.75 29%
SAI              11.32           14.24 26%
TER              16.89           19.77 17%
PETS              11.10           12.93 16%
PDLI                7.04             8.06 14%
EXPE              61.44           70.05 14%
AFAM              20.26           22.83 13%
MANT              25.94           28.01 8%
CPIX                4.20             4.49 7%
KLIC              11.99           12.24 2%
MNTA              11.79           11.25 -5%
EGY                8.65             8.06 -7%
MEDW              22.00           19.96 -9%
GTIV              10.05             8.80 -12%
NSU                4.28             3.38 -21%
TNAV                7.99             6.20 -22%
GNI              67.20           18.18 -73%

Up on average 68% with some great individual efforts.  Now keep in mind if you had rolled over to the "new" MFI portfolio in December 2012, you'd have made 52% in 2013, plus the 2.4% we just noted.  So even though that was one of the great all-time portfolios, you'd have done better to stand pat (admittedly, rebalancing).

As our friend Artie Johnson would say, "very interesting".  One final aside, if you did not re-balance, so just held the 50 stocks for 2+ years, you would have been up 81%. So re-balancing did help by about three points as you were up 1.10 x 1.68 = 1.84 or 84%.


Unknown said...

Marshall, did you see the Kiplingers article on CALL? If I am not mistaken you have talked about getting into that stock again.

Marsh_Gerda said...

O Junker - I did see the article. Kip linger is an interesting magazine, they actually have some good ideas. I am in CALL, I may add in May for my next MFI tranche. The other Kiplinger idea that I passed on recently was GSOL. They specialize in import/export and are based in Hong Kong. When article ran, they were 6.70 a share and now stand at 8.75. A quick 30% gain. (Actually - writing this I have re-reviewed GSOL and may buy some today).

Unknown said...

Fascinating Post.

Did you choose this portfolio randomly? Was it the only portfolio you researched?

Thanks Marsh.