Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Seems like it has been a big week for little Chinese companies. Not sure whether the lifeguard yelled "all clear" or what happened.

My Chinese Stocks This Week

Symbol Initial Price Current Price Avg of Gain
CCME $8.48 $10.06 18.6%
CMFO $5.12 $5.13 0.2%
eesc $2.30 $2.35 2.2%
NEWN $5.17 $6.01 16.2%
UTA $4.22 $4.40 4.3%

I should add (as an aside) that I am reading a book on web design (trying to keep up with my kids), so I may start incorporating some of the ideas and techniques here. I might even get so advanced, I'll move away from Blogger... don't laugh!

MFI Starting to Work Again?

I suggested a few days ago that I MFI is "streaky" and that we have been in a bad streak since around the start of 2010. I do feel the tide is turning, the winds are switching or make up your own metaphor.

Some of the metrics I look at are
  1. My own portfolio (I was down 7.53% vs IWV up 4.5% on Friday, now I am down 5.6% while the Russell has been sideways)
  2. My Mechinical Portfolios (my open stocks tralied by 9 points on Friday and now 7.9%) and
  3. My open tracking portfolios (a few days ago, all were trailing the benchmark, now October and November 2009 are ahead as are August and September 2010).
The Continuing Saga of TTT

I discussed "free money" regarding TTT a few blogs back. I had mentioned that TTT let you buy at least 25% of your current share count in additional TTT shares at $6.60. This was "free" as TTT was trading over a buck higher at the time. I over-subscribed, but got my share written down a bit... I think I got about 33% instead of the 25%. TTT is currently at $7.32 and since that offering has had another stock dividend of KHDHF (25% of your shares). As KHDHF is at $7.25 right now that means that the $6.60 I paid in early September is worth 7.32 + 7.25/4 = $9.13. Not bad for a month!

I also bought a bunch more TTT per the dividend at $8.42 on 9/14. So that is also "worth" $9.13 or a snappy 8% gain.

The final note of interest is that TTT made an announcement on Monday (Terra Nova Announces Agreement to Acquire Mass Financial Corp). Now this one is a bit strange (not that everything else hasn't been weird) in that Mass Finanical used to be part of TTT (or the old KHD) and has common ownership. It doesn't seem totally "fair" in that they will merge with shareholders of Mass getting one share of TTT for each share of Mass they owned. I say it isn't fair as when the deal was announced, Mass Financial was trading well over $9 and TTT was around $7.00. The article claims they both have about the same book value, but if I am a Mass Financial stockholder, I am not too happy (Terra Nova's Offer for Mass Financial Looks Unfair).

Finally, TTT has announced a 4th and final stock distribution of KHDHF. As these distributions have been steadily accretive to me, I am going to wiat it out. The table below shows the daily prices of TTT, KHDHF and the combined price giving you credit for the distributions:

Date khdhf ttt TTT-a Column1

05/24/10 5.09 9.30 10.75
05/25/10 5.25 9.70 11.20
05/26/10 5.16 9.58 11.05
05/27/10 5.30 9.98 11.49
05/28/10 5.30 9.97 11.48
06/01/10 5.40 9.55 11.09
06/03/10 5.15 9.75 11.22
06/04/10 5.05 9.27 10.71
06/07/10 5.00 8.87 10.30
06/08/10 5.09 9.09 10.54
06/09/10 4.91 9.26 10.66
06/10/10 5.01 9.52 10.95
06/11/10 4.85 9.73 11.12
06/14/10 4.90 9.57 10.97
06/15/10 4.90 9.62 11.02
06/16/10 4.95 9.65 11.06
06/17/10 5.15 9.63 11.10
06/18/10 4.95 9.43 10.84
06/21/10 5.00 9.49 10.92
06/22/10 5.05 9.53 10.97
06/23/10 5.05 9.60 11.04
06/24/10 5.10 9.65 11.11
06/28/10 5.05 9.89 11.33
06/29/10 5.21 8.57 11.36 25% Dist
06/30/10 5.26 8.33 11.15
07/02/10 5.05 7.78 10.49
07/06/10 4.95 7.75 10.40
07/07/10 5.20 7.91 10.70
07/08/10 5.20 8.25 11.04
07/09/10 5.55 8.50 11.47
07/12/10 5.50 8.37 11.32
07/13/10 5.71 8.50 11.56
07/14/10 5.95 8.36 11.55
07/15/10 5.65 8.18 11.21
07/16/10 5.65 7.78 10.81
07/19/10 6.00 7.90 11.11
07/20/10 5.71 8.28 11.34
07/21/10 5.55 8.44 11.41
07/22/10 5.65 8.55 11.58
07/23/10 5.70 8.73 11.78
07/26/10 5.95 8.79 11.98
07/27/10 5.75 8.52 11.60
07/28/10 5.50 8.18 11.13
07/29/10 5.65 8.20 11.23
07/30/10 6.00 8.62 11.83
08/02/10 6.00 8.92 12.13
08/03/10 6.00 8.69 11.90
08/04/10 6.05 8.32 11.56
08/05/10 5.96 8.11 11.30
08/06/10 6.00 8.17 11.38
08/09/10 5.95 8.25 11.44
08/10/10 6.25 8.20 11.55
08/11/10 5.90 8.02 11.18
08/12/10 5.85 7.91 11.04
08/16/10 5.60 7.55 10.55
08/17/10 5.60 7.46 10.46
08/20/10 5.80 7.31 10.42
08/23/10 5.50 7.25 10.20
08/24/10 5.76 7.21 10.30
08/25/10 5.75 7.16 10.24
08/26/10 6.05 7.21 10.45
08/27/10 6.15 7.39 10.68
08/31/10 6.08 7.55 10.81
09/01/10 6.05 7.69 10.93
09/02/10 6.16 7.76 11.06 6.60 deal
09/03/10 6.16 7.74 11.04
09/07/10 5.95 7.48 10.67
09/08/10 6.15 7.73 11.02
09/09/10 6.30 8.04 11.42
09/10/10 6.50 8.26 11.74
09/13/10 6.35 8.26 11.66
09/14/10 7.00 8.50 12.25
09/15/10 7.57 8.62 12.68
09/16/10 8.25 8.55 12.97
09/17/10 8.15 8.55 12.92
09/20/10 7.70 8.55 12.68
09/21/10 7.60 6.80 12.77 25% Dist
09/22/10 7.25 6.81 12.51
09/23/10 7.40 6.77 12.58
09/24/10 7.50 7.00 12.89
09/27/10 7.25 7.32 13.02

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