Sunday, July 05, 2009

Back From Break

Well, I am back. First, I am not sure evryone saw this interview with JG: Answers from Joel Greenblatt are Here!. Good stuff for people to read. Clearly, we mere peons can not track how he is investing his money as he states in the Q&A. He certainly defends his approach, though he discoyrages people from trying to go long on his top stocks and then going short the worst stocks as he says this could be too volatile. He also still believes in the concentrated portfolio for those who know what they are doing as the recent crash in his mind proves that disversification isn't worth much.

No new stocks made the screen this weekend. The newbies from last weekend (JTX & MTXX) are off to a respectable start. Three stocks from my mechanical portfolio closed this weekend:

Symbol Date Stock Chg S&P Chg Diff
APKT 7/5/08 119.5% -26.9% 146.4%
CSKI 7/5/08 20.9% -26.9% 47.8%
VALU 7/5/08 7.8% -26.9% 34.8%

That would have been a good group to have bought a year ago! Overall, my mechanicl top 30 is outperforming the S&P by a whopping 20 points. Here are the open stocks (note 64 open stocks):

Symbol Date Original Current Dividend S&P O S&P D Stock Chg S&P Chg Diff
QCOR 7/26/08 4.84 5.27 - 125.48 2.49 8.9% -26.4% 35.3%
MSTR 8/1/08 60.56 49.33 - 126.16 2.49 -18.5% -26.8% 8.3%
NVDA 8/8/08 11.00 10.90 - 129.37 2.49 -0.9% -28.7% 27.7%
SWIR 8/8/08 12.41 5.45 - 129.37 2.49 -56.1% -28.7% -27.4%
CF 8/8/08 134.65 74.29 0.10 129.37 2.49 -44.8% -28.7% -16.1%
SIGM 8/8/08 15.93 15.34 - 129.37 2.49 -3.7% -28.7% 25.0%
EGMI.OB 9/5/08 0.69 1.19 - 124.42 2.49 72.5% -25.8% 98.3%
KHD 9/15/08 20.68 8.46 - 126.09 2.49 -59.1% -26.8% -32.3%
TTWO 9/22/08 16.57 9.84 - 124.12 2.49 -40.6% -25.6% -15.0%
SCMP 9/29/08 8.29 5.68 - 120.85 1.80 -31.5% -24.2% -7.3%
DTLK 9/29/08 4.34 4.25 - 120.85 1.80 -2.1% -24.2% 22.1%
TRA 9/29/08 28.42 26.00 0.20 120.85 1.80 -7.8% -24.2% 16.4%
MSB 10/10/08 10.12 11.03 0.40 88.50 1.80 12.9% 3.5% 9.4%
UEPS 10/10/08 14.58 13.50 - 88.50 1.80 -7.4% 3.5% -10.9%
TSCM 10/17/08 3.67 2.02 0.03 93.21 1.80 -44.3% -1.7% -42.6%
EME 10/31/08 17.77 19.54 - 96.83 1.80 10.0% -5.4% 15.4%
CTCM 10/31/08 7.40 10.92 - 96.83 1.80 47.6% -5.4% 53.0%
PRGX 10/31/08 4.24 2.91 - 96.83 1.80 -31.4% -5.4% -26.0%
HLF 11/7/08 20.17 30.62 0.40 93.86 1.80 53.8% -2.4% 56.2%
GHM 11/7/08 13.60 13.00 0.02 93.86 1.80 -4.3% -2.4% -1.9%
BIDZ 11/21/08 2.39 2.91 - 79.52 1.80 21.8% 15.2% 6.6%
KBR 11/21/08 10.45 17.84 0.10 79.52 1.80 71.7% 15.2% 56.5%
OPTV 11/21/08 0.94 1.28 - 79.52 1.80 36.2% 15.2% 21.0%
IBAS 11/21/08 1.21 1.39 - 79.52 1.80 14.9% 15.2% -0.3%
Vclk 11/28/08 6.17 9.97 - 90.09 1.80 61.6% 1.7% 59.9%
DIVX 12/8/08 4.37 5.18 - 87.93 1.80 18.5% 4.2% 14.4%
MAXY 12/8/08 5.80 7.09 - 87.93 1.80 22.2% 4.2% 18.1%
ESIC 12/14/08 1.13 1.63 - 88.99 1.80 44.2% 2.9% 41.3%
MSO 12/29/08 2.80 2.92 - 87.16 1.08 4.3% 4.3% 0.0%
TRMS 12/29/08 1.03 2.05 - 87.16 1.08 99.0% 4.3% 94.8%
WFR 12/29/08 13.43 17.49 - 87.16 1.08 30.2% 4.3% 26.0%
AHCI 1/5/09 1.15 2.00 - 92.96 1.08 73.9% -2.2% 76.1%
CKSW 1/5/09 1.99 6.20 - 92.96 1.08 211.6% -2.2% 213.8%
COH 2/16/09 13.97 25.80 - 82.76 1.08 84.7% 9.8% 74.9%
DELL 2/23/09 8.41 12.97 - 77.42 1.08 54.2% 17.4% 36.8%
SOLR 2/23/09 4.22 5.41 - 77.42 1.08 28.2% 17.4% 10.8%
DECK 3/2/09 41.27 68.29 - 73.93 1.08 65.5% 22.9% 42.5%
FWLT 3/2/09 15.04 21.99 - 73.93 1.08 46.2% 22.9% 23.3%
HCKT 3/2/09 2.56 2.48 - 73.93 1.08 -3.1% 22.9% -26.1%
MWW 3/2/09 6.59 11.06 - 73.93 1.08 67.8% 22.9% 44.9%
PTIE 3/2/09 4.53 5.41 - 73.93 1.08 19.4% 22.9% -3.5%
TRLG 3/2/09 10.22 21.38 - 73.93 1.08 109.2% 22.9% 86.3%
qlti 3/9/09 1.41 2.13 - 68.92 1.08 51.1% 31.9% 19.2%
exbd 3/9/09 12.96 20.13 0.44 68.92 1.08 58.7% 31.9% 26.8%
FIX 3/16/09 9.73 10.29
76.09 1.08 5.8% 19.4% -13.7%
DBTK 3/16/09 6.65 8.54 - 76.09 1.08 28.4% 19.4% 9.0%
LOOP 3/16/09 5.77 7.54 - 76.09 1.08 30.7% 19.4% 11.2%
PRO 3/30/09 4.29 7.89 - 81.61 0.52 83.9% 10.7% 73.2%
ACN 4/13/09 27.71 33.14 - 85.81 0.52 19.6% 5.3% 14.3%
INFI 4/20/09 5.83 5.42 - 87.08 0.52 -7.0% 3.7% -10.8%
RST 5/3/09 29.83 27.00 - 87.89 0.52 -9.5% 2.8% -12.3% 5/3/09 2.18 1.96 - 87.89 0.52 -10.1% 2.8% -12.9%
TYPE 5/3/09 3.80 6.28 - 87.89 0.52 65.3% 2.8% 62.5%
CRAY 5/3/09 3.98 8.16 - 87.89 0.52 105.0% 2.8% 102.3%
INT 5/10/09 41.90 39.82 - 92.98 0.52 -5.0% -2.9% -2.1%
IPHS 5/18/09 15.03 16.90 - 88.71 0.52 12.4% 1.8% 10.6%
GNI 6/1/09 86.75 86.00 - 92.53 0.52 -0.9% -2.4% 1.5%
UTA 6/1/09 7.90 10.32 - 92.53 0.52 30.6% -2.4% 33.0%
FRX 6/7/09 23.66 24.26 - 94.55 0.52 2.5% -4.5% 7.0%
ONTY 6/14/09 2.60 3.63 - 95.08 0.52 39.7% -5.0% 44.7%
VM 6/14/09 4.24 3.45 - 95.08 0.52 -18.6% -5.0% -13.6%
BPI 6/21/09 16.74 15.46 - 92.04 - -7.6% -2.4% -5.2%
MTXX 6/28/09 5.77 6.48 - 91.84 - 12.3% -2.2% 14.5%
JTX 6/28/09 5.74 5.95 - 91.84 - 3.7% -2.2% 5.9%

Totals 10.3% -10.2% 20.5%
73.6% of stocks beat the S&P 500 Benchmark
Closed -20.8% -35.6% 14.8%


Open 23.8% 0.9% 23.0%

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