Saturday, May 26, 2018

sometimes i sit and think, and sometimes i just sit

sometimes i sit and think, and sometimes i just sit

If you get a chance, give Courtney Barnett a listen (shown on left).  When it comes to investing, are we sitting and thinking?  Or are we just sitting?

I am bothered by the performance of my portfolio.  Not just this year.  Let's be honest, outside of MFI, it has been somewhat short of stellar.  I can rationalize that I am a value investor and value is just out of vogue. But deep down I know I have never had the stomach to be a true value investor.

I seem to do best with buying (with some thought/process) and then walking away and not obsessing.  It is the obsessing and regular second-guessing/meddling that really hampers my portfolio performance.  I have actually done best with the smaller baskets - gold/miners or small banks.

If you have been reading my blog for a while and this sounds familiar... that is because I have had this internal debate before.

My Thoughts

In an ironic way, I don't think this blog helps.  It makes my attention span too short as I am writing about what goes on every week.  I think I might pare it back to just an update once a month.

Then I look at my MFI tracking and the dividend approach just seems to work so well.  Why am I screwing around using other approaches, when I have at my fingertips an approach that works great?

Right now I am about 45% in dividend portfolio and 35% MFI (20% Misc).  I think that is backwards. 

  • Pare back my dividend stocks to a core group of 10.  35% of total investment.
  • Change my Misc approach to baskets: shipping, bio-pharma, energy, small banks and other.  Each basket has 10 holdings so I can go with higher risk holdings, but not spaz out everytime I hit an air cushion.  Then I can only change baskets once a year.
  • Expand MFI Formula (with extra funds from dividend paring) to simply be the universe of MFI stocks at 2.4%+ yield.  So remove random number generator.

I think there is a good chance I'll make these moves.  And then stop hyperventilating so much.

More sitting, and then thinking,  to follow.


Unknown said...

Interesting take Marsh.

I'm buying my next block tomorrow. Maybe you can refresh me - what do you do to avoid "stinkers" in your MFI select portfolio?

Marsh_Gerda said...

Focus on income for past 12 months. Is it stable? Is it growing? Is it sustainable? I just look at operating income to filter out noise.

jb said...

I think posting about MFI once per month is totally reasonable. I only post my MFI results once per quarter, and I only update my stock prices once per month for all my stock portfolios. It helps eliminate the noise; plus, when I'm at work I cannot track my stocks that closely.
- j

Konstantin said...

At the same time so sad there was no update this weekend

Unknown said...

JB, where can I read your posts?

Also, I just cycled a block for everybody to read about!

jb said...


I post quarterly at:
and also, Magic Formula Investing at Motley Fool

Though I think the Yahoo group is inactive. My last post for Q1 was written, but the administrator(s) didn't post it.
