Saturday, November 17, 2012

Weekend Update 11/17/12

Bit of a wild week for me on the invest front.  I re-added TROX to my dividend portfolio on Monday and then was dumb-founded in how poor their earnings were.  I sold them the following day (short dividend holding), in what now admittedly looks like a bit of a panic move.

But then CSCO had tremendous earnings on Tuesday evening, and as CSCO is my single largest holding, if offset a fair chunk of the TROX disaster.

So at the end of the week, my dividend portfolio lost 1%.  Not so bad.  There were definitely some hits though as Congress and the President strutted around preening like the peacocks they are.

Date 11/9/2012 11/15/2012 11/16/2012 Change Yield
TROX               17.53                15.69                15.69 -10.5% 6.4%
MSFT               28.83                26.66                26.52 -8.0% 3.0%
BHK               16.16                14.52                14.98 -7.3% 5.8%
KMF               28.85                26.40                27.33 -5.3% 6.3%
JQC                 9.86                  9.02                  9.40 -4.7% 8.5%
PVD            107.90              103.42              103.75 -3.8% 7.4%
INTC               20.80                20.03                20.19 -2.9% 4.6%
JPM               40.62                39.39                39.53 -2.7% 3.0%
CSQ                 9.64                  9.04                  9.45 -2.0% 8.9%
STO               24.00                23.65                23.58 -1.8% 4.2%
PRE               79.49                77.44                78.26 -1.5% 3.3%
OIBAX                 6.56                  6.52                  6.51 -0.8% 5.2%
FSC               10.52                10.06                10.44 -0.8% 11.0%
O               38.40                37.50                38.40 0.0% 4.5%
SAI               10.98                11.07                11.01 0.3% 4.4%
PGR               22.35                22.23                22.55 0.9% 1.8%
MPC               53.12                54.06                54.34 2.3% 2.6%
HFC               40.75                41.77                42.56 4.4% 3.3%
VIVHY           18.97            20.30            20.06 5.7% 6.5%
CSCO               16.82                17.94                17.99 7.0% 3.1%

You can see some of my higher yielding stocks (such as BHK, KMF and JQC) got hit pretty hard, probably due to fear about the way dividends will be taxed going forward. I show both Thursday and Friday closing prices as they actually recovered a fair bit on Friday.  Mr Softie also had a bad week as they lost one of their most senior people and I suppose Dell's poor earnings were a drag.

Where I Stand

So here is where I am as of today:

Current Portfolio

Stock Shares Avg Cost Current Price Dividends Received Pct Change R3K Change Diff
BHK         2,229         12.74         14.98          2,404.92 26.0% 0.7% 25.3%
CSCO         4,262         17.20         17.99          1,417.26 6.5% 2.0% 4.6%
CSQ         5,443           8.26           9.45          4,863.08 25.2% 16.3% 8.9%
FSC         2,778           9.80         10.44          1,795.26 13.1% 0.0% 13.2%
HFC         1,113         34.08         42.56          2,363.76 31.1% -1.3% 32.4%
INTC         1,974         21.00         20.19          1,998.36 1.0% 10.2% -9.3%
JPM         1,673         35.22         39.53              992.36 13.9% 1.9% 12.0%
JQC         4,164           9.11           9.40          4,384.77 14.8% 1.4% 13.3%
KMF         1,845         21.97         27.33          3,637.01 33.4% 12.9% 20.4%
MPC            579         43.89         54.34              343.47 25.2% -0.4% 25.5%
MSFT            979         26.83         26.52          1,534.52 4.7% 10.6% -5.9%
O            552         19.17         38.40          7,294.60 169.2% 61.0% 108.2%
OIBAX         3,861           4.91           6.51          6,503.93 67.0% 61.4% 5.6%
PGR         2,000         20.48         22.55                       -   10.1% 0.4% 9.7%
PRE            532         67.33         78.26              956.09 18.9% 0.4% 18.5%
PVD            427         65.11      103.75          3,787.87 73.0% 12.9% 60.1%
SAI         4,680         12.83         11.01          1,376.70 -11.9% -3.7% -8.2%
STO         1,040         23.82         23.58          1,121.00 3.5% 15.1% -11.6%
VIVHY         2,296         16.70         20.06          3,749.20 29.9% -0.9% 30.8%










Total Open

             50,524 21.0% 8.4% 12.6%

10.7% 8.6% 2.1%

13.2% 8.6% 4.6%
IRR Since 12/31/10


2012 Gain


The 19% is still a VERY respectable number for 2012.

Then here are my expected annual dividends:

Estimated Dividends for Next 12 Months

Stock Shares Ann Dividend / Share Yield Projected Dividend Sector Worth
BHK         2,229  $       0.88 5.8%                1,953 Bond      33,390
CSCO         4,262  $       0.56 3.1%                2,387 Tech      76,675
CSQ         5,443  $       0.84 8.9%                4,572 Hybrid      51,438
FSC         2,778  $       1.15 11.0%                3,194 Hybrid      29,005
HFC         1,113  $       1.40 3.3%                1,558 Resources      47,377
INTC         1,974  $       0.92 4.6%                1,816 Tech      39,845
JPM         1,673  $       1.20 3.0%                2,008 Finance      66,133
JQC         4,164  $       0.80 8.5%                3,331 Hybrid      39,141
KMF         1,845  $       1.72 6.3%                3,174 Pipelines      50,437
MPC            579  $       1.40 2.6%                    810 Resources      31,457
MSFT            979  $       0.80 3.0%                    783 Tech      25,968
O            552  $       1.72 4.5%                    949 Services      21,196
OIBAX         3,861  $       0.34 5.2%                1,309 Bond      25,134
PGR         2,000  $       0.41 1.8%                    820 Insurance      45,100
PRE            532  $       2.56 3.3%                1,361 Insurance      41,614
PVD            427  $       7.65 7.4%                3,266 Finance      44,296
SAI         4,680  $       0.48 4.4%                2,246 Services      51,525
STO         1,040  $       0.98 4.2%                1,019 Resources      24,519
VIVHY         2,296  $       1.30 6.5%                2,985 Consumer      46,058












5.0%              39,542


You can see I am almost 35% in cash.  I will post some thoughts on MFI later this weekend.

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