Saturday, April 19, 2008


I read the TPX conference call transcript (Tempur-Pedic International Inc. Q1 2008 Earnings Call Transcript). I was really impressed with the management team. They are taking steps to manage inventory and expenses as times get a bit tougher. Then they have a new line of products coming out in July. I suspect these are the reasons private equity has been snapping the stock up (Buyers Put Money in Mattress Maker). Note they went up 13% post the earnings announcement.

With the burst in the markets this week, I now have a few more stocks in the green. Not enough to get excited about, but still it is nice. ACN, HW, KFY, MRX, MSTR, SIMG, TPX and VALU. Even UG stuck its head into the green briefly.


jb said...


I am in exactly the same boat regarding my MFI stocks. Many are underwater, so to speak, and a few are clawing their way back to breakeven or even positive returns. I scrolled through you blog real quickly and note that your last graph was on February 2nd. You probably stated it a long time ago, but why are you selecting the Russell 3000 as you benchmark. When I see the stocks you have selected many are small to midcaps and I think another index would be more appropriate. [For the time being I would suggest maybe using the R2500 value index. It will also make your losses appear to be smaller relative to the index. Hopefully...]


Marsh_Gerda said...

Thanks for the comment. The Russell 3000 may not mimic my portfolio the best. I didn't know I was going to pick smaller cap stocks when I started. In retrospect, it wasn't the perfect choice.