Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I had mentioned over the weekend that I was thinking about winding down my mfi blog. I was frustrated by the sub-par results and the fact that the cut and paste from the official website no longer worked.  I also felt that my readership had been diminishing over time.

The good news is that I have figured out a way to pull in the data without typing. It is a bit convoluted, but workable once a month. So I am going to continue (for the time being) creating tracking portfolios.

I am also reconsidering moving money back into the mfi space. I am traveling right now, but I did do a little research over the weekend that showed that subsets of the mfi space are working okay ( essentially dividend stocks and stocks approaching one billion in market cap).  So my thought is to take a fixed amount per quarter (say $75,000 as an example) and then buy a basket of the larger dividend stocks in the mfi screen with the latitude to exclude one stock. I would simply track these baskets within my broader dividend portfolio with naming convention 2013a, 2013b and so n.
One "risk" of this approach is that I will likely get overweight certain stocks as some stocks are very regularly on such a scen (such as DLX).
Anyway, that is a basic plan. Not sure if I will start in the fourth quarter or in 2013.

We will see.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you're still experimenting with it! I'm coming up on my 1-year anniversary of MFI...currently trailing the S&P by 6.5% on average but plan to stick it out for quite some time with the initial investment towards it.