Sunday, March 15, 2009

DBTK & New Screen

I saw where the MFI website has a new screen unveiled this weekend. Didn't really seem that different to me, except you could only get top 30 and top 50 stocks and the new minimum is 50m. They don't show the EY and ROIC, but that is ok with me as I can get pretty close.

I had a huge week last week, as I am sure many people did. Of course it really only made up for the first week or two or March. I was up 18%. That gets me back to where I was February 27th.

There is a new stock in my top 25 mechanical portfolio that I'll add tomorrow (guess it'll now become top 30 portfolio): DBTK. This looks like a great candidate to me. They have no debt, over $3 a share in cash (they trade at $6.65) and they expect 2009 to be flat at worst with 2008. That is the trifecta as far as I am concerned. I'll probably consider buying a little chunk tomorrow.


Homer315 said...

How will you know whether your calculations continue to closely approximate those that the MFI site spit out? I don't like that change. Why would the site do that, except to make it more opaque?

Marsh_Gerda said...

I guess I will never know. But my calculations have been spot on for the past 6 months so I have confidence that they are generally right unless JG changes the formula.

sanjeevbhadresa said...


I'm a very new reader to you blog and was wondering if you describe how you select stocks for mechanical portfolio.

Thank you!