Sunday, December 17, 2017

Me Versus New Dividend Benchmark

Me Versus New Dividend Benchmark

As I mentioned yesterday, I have created a new dividend benchmark to use against my dividend portfolio.  The file I published yesterday had a couple typos, the key one being I added TCO twice (one of them should have been T - damn you excel auto fill).  I also had DUK twice.  So that should be fixed.

I rolled up my sleeves and figured out all the dividend index constituents for the 4th quarter to compare against my dividend portfolio.  Sadly I am under performing, I am down 72 basis points while the Index is up 1.3%.  But on the year I am up 13%,which is way better than Index, which is up a mere 7.7%.

Here is the new and improved Index

 Ticker   Start   Current   Dividend   Change   Yield 
 AMLP          11.22          10.76               0.21 -2.2%         7.99%
 NML            9.50             8.89               0.17 -4.6% 7.42%
 EPD          26.07          26.09               0.44 1.8% 6.39%
 ETP          18.29          17.50               0.59 -1.1% 13.45%
 FDD          13.64          13.59                    -   -0.4% 3.07%
 VGK          58.33          58.27                    -   -0.1% 2.74%
 DDAIF          79.68          83.40                    -   4.7% 4.16%
 NVS          85.85          84.86                    -   -1.2% 3.20%
 NOBL          59.45          63.73                    -   7.2% 1.83%
 VYM          81.07          86.10                    -   6.2% 2.82%
 MRK          64.03          56.24               0.54 -11.3% 3.36%
 PEP       111.43        119.22               0.77 7.7% 2.66%
 VNQ          83.09          85.12                    -   2.4% 4.64%
 RQI          12.56          12.55               0.16 1.2% 7.65%
 TCO          49.70          63.38               0.49 28.5% 3.94%
 SLG       101.32        103.23                    -   1.9% 3.00%
 T          39.17          38.24               0.49 -1.1% 5.13%
 VZ          49.49          52.67               0.59 7.6% 4.41%
 CHL          50.57          49.18                    -   -2.7% 3.74%
 DTEGY          18.66          17.72                    -   -5.1% 3.85%
 DSU          11.67          11.57               0.21 0.9% 1.78%
 HIO            5.13             5.02               0.06 -1.0% 6.99%
 MUB       110.87        110.75               0.63 0.5% 2.22%
 PRHYX            6.80             6.75               0.06 0.1% 5.40%
 NEA          13.85          13.72               0.18 0.4% 5.31%
 JNK          37.32          36.70               0.49 -0.3% 5.63%
 VWITX          14.19          14.14               0.06 0.1% 0.00%
 PHMIX            9.03             9.08               0.06 1.3% 2.80%
 UTG          31.70          31.30               0.48 0.3% 4.20%
 XLU          53.05          55.02                    -   3.7% 3.19%
 DUK          83.92          87.84               0.82 5.7% 3.97%
 EIX          77.17          69.71                    -   -9.7% 3.11%
 PFF          38.81          38.38               0.56 0.3% 5.77%
 JPC          10.57          10.38               0.20 0.0% 7.47%
 WFC-PL    1,315.00    1,330.40             18.75 2.6% 5.80%
 TIP       113.58        113.89               0.76 0.9% 2.59%
 SHY          84.45          83.95               0.23 -0.3% 0.95%
 TLT       124.76        128.35               0.77 3.5% 2.40%
 Totals                 -                    -                      -   1.3% 4.34%

Then here is my portfolio for the quarter:

 Dividend Stocks   Current   Divvy   Quaterly Gain   9/30/17 Price   Yield 
 OIBAX          5.92      0.04 0.2%           5.95 4.1%
 KCLI        45.60      0.27 -7.8%        49.75 2.4%
 KNOP        20.25      0.52 -3.1%        21.44 10.3%
 TK          9.14      0.06 3.0%           8.93 2.4%
 CPLP          3.36      0.08 -1.6%           3.50 9.5%
 JQC          8.16      0.15 -2.2%           8.49 7.0%
 ISBC        14.13      0.09 4.3%        13.64 2.5%
 EVG        14.00      0.16 -0.6%        14.24 6.6%
 LADR        13.72      0.31 1.8%        13.78 9.2%
 FDEU        18.76      0.57 -0.5%        19.42 7.7%
 NS        30.54      1.34 -21.5%        40.59 14.3%
 TGP        19.30      0.14 8.9%        17.85 2.9%
 RLJ-PA        27.40      0.49 0.2%        27.82 7.2%
 PSXP        49.87      0.66 -3.9%        52.56 5.2%
 NRZ        18.29           -   9.3%        16.73 10.9%
 SBRA        19.90      0.60 -6.6%        21.94 9.0%
 RILY        19.20      0.11 13.3%        17.05 0.8%
 DSL        20.12      0.50 -2.9%        21.25 8.9%
 OCSI          8.51      0.19 -1.1%           8.80 8.9%
 TGONF        13.18      0.17 4.3%        12.80 5.3%
 GLDI          8.76      0.14 -1.9%           9.07 3.6%
 DHF          3.31      0.07 -4.2%           3.53 8.5%
 MAC        65.48      0.69 1.8%        65.01 4.5%
 O        57.40      0.44 1.1%        57.19 4.4%
 Totals  -0.7% 6.4%

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